Friday, June 9, 2017

Message from Br. Len Noronha- former Correspondent

The years  1976  to  2017  have been a time of special blessing.  Not only for St. Joseph’s and the people around Bajpe, but especially for us Christian Brothers.  For it was in  1976  that the people of Bajpe greeted us with a warmth that outshone the welcome offered to us in other parishes. 

And this amazing love story began.  We came to teach, and to do what Christian Brothers do.  And we were overwhelmed with the love and affection we received.  Yes, it was our intention, as ever, to reveal to people the unconditional love of God, not just through our academic efforts, but in our efforts to be Brothers, your brothers  -  letting you share our life of prayer, of living in community, and our endeavour to make learning a joyful experience.

Every one of us has come away evangelized by what we experienced.  It is a regular feature of St. Joseph’s that many students go home at 6.30 pm  -  these are students in need of some special help, and their teachers are staying on late to give them the attention that they crave, and the message that they are worthwhile.  This compassion is exactly what Blessed Edmund Rice would have expected of his Christian Brothers.  The atmosphere we experience in the staff rooms is no different from that in our own community room.  We are family, sisters and brothers all. 

It was not with a clap of thunder that Mr. Rice heard the call to be Brother Edmund :  he heard the voice of God, instead, as the misery of children in need that wrung at his heart, and good friends that encouraged him to be something he never dreamed he could be.  And, among our friends in St. Joseph’s, this is what we have been privileged to observe for forty years.  People who have children to look after before they come to the classroom, and sometimes aged parents to care for when they return ;  and still you continue, relentlessly, to give of yourselves, with a joy that we cannot but admire.  The students are inspired to find their God as we do, in the events of our lives and the people around us, rather than waiting to pray in a place of worship.

There have been times when some of us, too, needed a friend  -  to cope with a difficult situation at work, or the tension of a relative in pain while we are far away -  and we have been gifted with friends who offered their presence, even if they could not comprehend exactly what we were going through.  Sometimes, when we were at meetings of Brothers outside Bajpe, we would be saying hurried goodbyes, and Brothers would tease us,  “So  -  why are you hurrying back ?  Is there somebody special there ?”    Yes, indeed, yes, there was somebody special.  We will be forever grateful, that you permitted us to be ourselves, to love in the way that Christian Brothers love.

All this means that there will be a deep sadness as we leave, this time with the sinking certainty that we will not be returning in the same way.  It is something we have to cope with, and we have to believe that our love will never be conquered by distance.
However, we will be proud that the values of Blessed Edmund Rice, the values of the Jesus he followed, continue to propel the people who lead St. Joseph’s.  You may not call yourselves Christian Brothers, but you have been our sisters and brothers for forty years, and that does not change.  You have given us your permission for us to go to people whose needs are greater.  Your sense of loss makes you a stakeholder in our new mission among them.

The Divine Lumberjack brought down that magnificent gulmohur tree with a precision that no human woodcutter could emulate, and He  left a fine, vibrant young sapling to grow in its place. 

It is so amazingly similar to the  “logo”  of the Christian Brothers, that there could be no finer symbol :  of the new management moving in, assured of the continued blessing of the Almighty who carried us for the last forty years.

Thank you for who you have been to us.

Br. A. Len Noronha, cfc
former Correspondent

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