Thursday, June 8, 2017


Dear Principal, staff, ex-staff, students, ex-students, parents and well well-wishers

As We Hand Over our Works of Love And Commitment.
Forty years!  The passage of time and the celebrations are opportunities to express why we were here on this earth. Each of us is put here to learn something and it is good to take stock of these forty years being in this field of  Education . These wonderful years of events, of journeys and successes are history. History has been described as a passionate concern with the present.
We live not in a settled finished world but in one which is going on . Our work here St. Joseph’s P.U. College has been mostly committed to education. The students have proved their worth  in achieving excellence in diverse fields of human endeavor and carved a niche for themselves as Educationists, Doctors, Lawyers , Businessmen etc. The 21st century has brought in new challenges in the life of people more so in the life of students as they enter a very competitive world.  For all that we have achieved people have looked up to us, to help their children attain a respectable standing in society.
With a glorious past to strengthen us we can together strive for an even more distinguished future.  Blessed  Edmund Rice, Founder of our Congregation will be proud to see his work flourish and bear much fruit. As we continue to walk into the future,  may we continue to be the fragrance of this spirit to en kindle the fire of love that makes this world a better place to live, love and grow, enabling those who pass through the portals of our mission to emerge as people according to the plan of the Creator, a blessing a light and the salt of this earth.
No words can express, no act of gratitude can repay, no gift can represent what your presence and support have meant to  all who have collaborated with us. We say You are a treasure and we hope you know that.  The Edmund Rice family here as  we leave for new ventures reading  the signs of the times leave a legacy of sacrifice  of love and commitment knowing that a  mission statement is not something you write overnight... But fundamentally, your mission statement becomes your constitution, the solid expression of your vision and values. It becomes the criterion by which you measure everything else in your life.
I would like to conclude with a quote from Dag Hammarskjold
“ For all that has been, thanks.  For all that will be, yes.”

Br. Charles D’Souza
Ex-student, Former Principal and Superior of St. Joseph’s

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