Sunday, May 14, 2017


I did My high school and college from St. Joseph's Bajpe, I'm a PROUD Josephite!

Ever since I knew what Neighbors meant, Brothers were the first one's who came to my mind, 

We were a bunch of brat kids all from the same neighborhood, and we left no stone unturned in creating ruckus, be it during the school days or weekends or worst during summer holidays! and if today, those childhood days are remembered as " THE BEST days of Our lives! " a good portion of the credit surely goes to Christian Brothers, be it The Summer Camps that were organized, The Sports meet and competitions, and the numerous other activities. 
The discipline, Quality of Education, The lessons on Patriotism, most importantly the moral education that was imparted on us, Brothers thought us to be GOOD human beings, the all round development, the kind of knowledge that is not got from any books or Internet. 
Whoever We are, Wherever We are on this day is ONLY because of the strong foundation that was laid in our childhood. We indeed owe you a lot. 
If today, Bajpe and the neighborhood towns have a Great place to look up to where children can come to learn, play and be educated, and it was all possible only by the constant hard work and the effort that was put in by every single Christian Brother, who came and served in Bajpe. and now 40 years later, as the time has come for Christian Brothers to move on to a place where their service is needed. Be Proud of everything you have achieved in Bajpe, the journey wasn't easy for sure, but the achievement left behind is a testimony of Christian Brothers success in Bajpe, be sure to know that Christian Brothers, will leave a legacy behind, one which will be unimaginable for others to follow. 
Thank you Christian Brothers, for the example you have set to live our lives. We wish you all the very best in every future endeavors, may the success of Bajpe inspire you to touch new heights wherever you go.

Neil Antony Pinto.

1 comment:

Sinitta Dcosta said...

Good one Neil.. thoughts put into writting.. I am very sure most of us agree on what you have stated. FOREVER GRATEFUL TO St.JOSEPHS N OUR CHRISTIAN BROTHERS